Sacramento, California *We are currently seeking an experienced adoption social worker with an MSW to fill the branch manager position in the Sacramento office. For more information about adoption, or to inquire about this position, please fill out this contact form. Sacramento Office9700 Business Park Drive, Suite #402Sacramento, CA 95827Tel: 916-568-5966Fax: 916-362-6005View Sacramento Adoption Classes Contact Us Branch(Required)*Branch:CarlsbadFresnoModestoSacramentoSan Luis ObispoName(Required) Email(Required) Phone(Required)City of Residence(Required) Comments(Required)CAPTCHAPhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ Sacramento Office9700 Business Park Drive, Suite #402Sacramento, CA 95827Tel: 916-568-5966Fax: 916-362-6005View Sacramento Adoption Classes Sacramento Adoption Classes 2024 Information Session (Class 1) jan 4thjan 18thfeb 8thfeb 22ndmar 7thmar 21stapr 4thapr 18thmay 2ndmay 16thjun 6thjun 20thjul 11thjul 25thaug 8thaug 22ndsep 12thsep 26thoct 10thoct 24thnov 7thnov 21stdec 5th Adoption Preparation (Class 2 & 3) jan 6thjan 20thfeb 3rdfeb 10thmar 9thmar 23rdmay 11thmay 18thjun 8thjun 29thjul 13thjul 27thaug 10thaug 24thsep 14thsep 28thoct 5thoct 19thnov 2ndnov 16th Adoption Preparation (Class 4) Click for Class Details Information Session (Class 1) jan 4thjan 18thfeb 8thfeb 22ndmar 7thmar 21stapr 4thapr 18thmay 2ndmay 16thjun 6thjun 20thjul 11thjul 25thaug 8thaug 22ndsep 12thsep 26thoct 10thoct 24thnov 7thnov 21stdec 5th Adoption Preparation (Class 2 & 3) jan 6thjan 20thfeb 3rdfeb 10thmar 9thmar 23rdmay 11thmay 18thjun 8thjun 29thjul 13thjul 27thaug 10thaug 24thsep 14thsep 28thoct 5thoct 19thnov 2ndnov 16th Adoption Preparation (Class 4) Click for Class Details